
Raccoons Shadow Our Summer Delights

Raccoons Shadow Our Summer Delights

Raccoons are much like our urban shadows, thriving on what we leave behind.
2 min read
The House Centipede Is Your Terrifying Best Friend

The House Centipede Is Your Terrifying Best Friend

In the closet, in the hallway, in the shower, in the sink, where is the house centipede now as it stalks its pest prey?
3 min read
Snapping Turtles Make Treacherous Journeys from Their Watery Homes

Snapping Turtles Make Treacherous Journeys from Their Watery Homes

Snapping turtles spend almost their entire lives in the murky depths. It is only on land for nesting season that they take the ultimate risk.
2 min read
A peregrine falcon soars far above a large suspension bridge and a shore lined with large buildings.

Peregrines Nest at Perilous Heights

Peregrines thrive in the city not only because of its variety of dizzying perches but also due to its constant smorgasbord of their favorite food.
3 min read
Possum Romance Season

Possum Romance Season

The brief life of a possum is one lived largely alone, until it hears the soft clicking of an enchanting mate.
3 min read
A squirrel nibbles a tidbit, perched on a bare winter branch.

Squirrels Are Inadvertent Arborists

Eastern gray squirrels have a whole constellation of hidden sustenance that they will recover by scent or memory.
3 min read
A group of ducks preens on the rocky side of a body of water. Others leave a v-shaped wake as the swim.

Ducks Arrive In Fantastic Feathers

Ducks are not like the rest of birds.
3 min read
Camera trap image of an adult coyote at night as it walks through a woodsy space. Its eyes glow in reflected light

Yip-Howls Pierce the Night

For the next few weeks, coyotes will be particularly vocal—keeping track of their family members and warning off interlopers.
2 min read
A yellow jacket with bedraggled antennae scouts crumbs on a paper plate laid in the grass.

Wasps Feed On the Last Dregs of Summer

Suffer them to eat your crumbs, for these are the last hours of their fleeting days.
3 min read
A pier-like structure spirals out into the confluence of river and tide. A person looks out on skyscrapers across the water.

Our Shores Awash In Brine

Salt water meets fresh and their clenching embrace thrusts the saline line of the Hudson up and down from the Battery to Poughkeepsie.
3 min read