Staten Island

A peregrine falcon soars far above a large suspension bridge and a shore lined with large buildings.

Peregrines Nest at Perilous Heights

Peregrines thrive in the city not only because of its variety of dizzying perches but also due to its constant smorgasbord of their favorite food.
3 min read
A group of ducks preens on the rocky side of a body of water. Others leave a v-shaped wake as the swim.

Ducks Arrive In Fantastic Feathers

Ducks are not like the rest of birds.
3 min read
Tennis ball-sized spheres with a broccoli-like texture litter the lawn around three large trees in Prospect Park.

The Hazardous Fall of the Osage Oranges

Softball-sized and abundant, they can bruise a head as they tumble.
3 min read
A monarch butterfly opens its wings while feeding from milkweed flowers, a fire hydrant looms in the background.

Milkweed Blooms Draw Monarchs

On a hill of former trash, monarch butterflies find a haven.
3 min read
A lizard clings to a wooden fence rail.

Lizards Bask In a Haven of Their Own Making

New York City’s only state park preserve exists thanks to a lizard once released as snake food.
3 min read
Eight horseshoe crabs emerge from the waves onto the beach. Many are covered in barnacles and males are latched to females.

Horseshoe Crabs Lay Eggs Under a Full Moon

Weaving between discarded dogfish heads and tampon applicator flotsam, they are crawling.
3 min read
A small frog perched on some leaves faces away from the camera, peering off into darkness.

Lusty Heralds Call Into the Twilight

The spring peepers have defrosted to haunt the shores of ephemeral vernal pools.
2 min read
A woodchuck sits in wood chips outside a groundhog-sized log cabin. A sign over its door reads "S. I. Chuck."

Groundhogs Sleep Soundly With Hearts Slowed

Take inspiration from the woodchuck—one of our city's few truly hibernating mammals.
2 min read
A stone face, looking wind-weary, peers out from the carved keystone of a building façade.

Winds Like Knives Slice Through the Intersections

The city is a tapestry of snarled wind patterns.
3 min read