
People stroll under the criss-crossed bars of scaffolding shading a New York City sidewalk.

An Urban Eyesore Provides a Summer Respite

An ubiquitous green structure that covers miles of the city is widely considered a blight, but also offers a rare chance for shady cover on urban sidewalks.
3 min read
The sun rises over Brooklyn brownstones. Trash awaits pick-up on the curb, and streetlights still pinprick the block.

A Lingering Blush of Cold Dawn

Our star now breaks above the horizon at eminently reasonable hours.
2 min read
Bundled Christmas trees are piled in stacks on a city street. A man in a suit navigates the green labyrinth on a cell phone.

Escape the City in Corridors of Fir and Pine

Like the Great Birnam Wood moving to Dunsinane Hill foretelling the downfall of Macbeth, a forest is invading New York City.
3 min read
The greenish-gold fan of a fallen ginkgo leaf is surrounded on asphalt by three very smushed ginkgo berries.

Golden Carpet of Rancid Butter

The putrescence you hopscotch around is the smell of butyric acid, the smell of nausea.
3 min read
Window air conditioning units jut out in perpendicular cubes from the floors of a brownstone.

A Brigade of Precarious ACs Plays Its Droning Song

The heartbeat of the city is the steady drip-drip drip-drip of air conditioners.
3 min read
A monarch butterfly opens its wings while feeding from milkweed flowers, a fire hydrant looms in the background.

Milkweed Blooms Draw Monarchs

On a hill of former trash, monarch butterflies find a haven.
3 min read
A worker in a hardhat pushes a Christmas tree into a chipper.

A Great Fallen Forest Lies In the Street

For our third edition, we survey the sidewalks strewn with evergreen.
2 min read