Worm Moon Rising
This is a momentous time just before the spring equinox; the darkness of winter is receding and the worms are emerging from their hiding places.
Poised Between Light and Dark
As the warmth fades from our streets, the light slowly ebbs from our sky.
Beaches Are Strewn with Scraps from a Ravenous Feast
Witness the detritus of one of the city's most voracious predators, the moon snail.
The Sun Stops Traffic
A celestial body aligns with concrete and steel titans... Manhattanhenge approaches.
The False Spring That Is Followed By Cold Rains
Take heed of each day in March. It will try to catch you unawares.
The Great Dog of Winter Is a Beacon in the Night Sky
Even where light pollution shrouds most constellations from view, Sirius—the brightest star in our night sky—is especially visible in winter.
The Solstice Arrives and Shadows Lengthen into the Darkest Days
Look down and watch your shadow stretch to its longest height.