Latest Seasons

A brown butterfly's wings are fringed with drops of blue and fringed in ivory.

The Grand Surprise of the First Butterfly

Winter has left us all a bit bedraggled around the edges.
3 min read
A rain-bedraggled pigeon faces the elements in the midst of a pedestrian crosswalk.

The False Spring That Is Followed By Cold Rains

Take heed of each day in March. It will try to catch you unawares.
2 min read
Purple crocuses erupt across the brown winter landscape that sprawls below leafless trees.

The Crocuses Awaken

The crocus breathes out its feather-veined lavender and white petals, coalescing like warm words on a cold morning
2 min read
A pedestrian strides across a long gutter puddle on the way to the safety of the sidewalk.

Water on the Street Forms Chasms of Unfathomable Depth

As our city has grown, so have its puddles thanks to the expanse of concrete leaving water with nowhere to go.
2 min read
Two traffic cones stand guard before a gaping pothole that has already eaten their comrade cone, as well as some trash.

Potholes Manifest from Winter Freezes

It’s reported that the city has hundreds of thousands of potholes a year; a monumental annual rite of repair.
2 min read
A woodchuck sits in wood chips outside a groundhog-sized log cabin. A sign over its door reads "S. I. Chuck."

Groundhogs Sleep Soundly With Hearts Slowed

Take inspiration from the woodchuck—one of our city's few truly hibernating mammals.
2 min read
An icicle drips from the fanged, grimacing, toothy maw of a winged stone monster.

Icicles Hang at Precarious Heights

Menace awaits on every architectural angle, every surface where sun-warmed slush slaloms its way off a precipice.
3 min read
Field of stars in the night sky. The three brightest form a triangle to the left of the constellation Orion.

The Great Dog of Winter Is a Beacon in the Night Sky

Even where light pollution shrouds most constellations from view, Sirius—the brightest star in our night sky—is especially visible in winter.
3 min read
The imposing, leafless arms of a large tree create an imposing silhouette against a backdrop of buildings and the street.

Admire the Bones of our Great Trees

Linger before the skeletons of slight zelkovas and mighty oaks. Marvel at the wooden menagerie stretching above our streets and parks.
3 min read
A stone face, looking wind-weary, peers out from the carved keystone of a building façade.

Winds Like Knives Slice Through the Intersections

The city is a tapestry of snarled wind patterns.
3 min read