Latest Seasons

A monarch butterfly opens its wings while feeding from milkweed flowers, a fire hydrant looms in the background.

Milkweed Blooms Draw Monarchs

On a hill of former trash, monarch butterflies find a haven.
3 min read
A thick streak of lightning quivers between the top of the Empire State Building and the heavens above Manhattan's skyline.

Summer Lightning Strikes the Empire State Building

During a thunderstorm, the 1,454-foot tall Empire State Building often channels heaven’s fury.
3 min read
A lizard clings to a wooden fence rail.

Lizards Bask In a Haven of Their Own Making

New York City’s only state park preserve exists thanks to a lizard once released as snake food.
3 min read
Photo-snapping pedestrians and cars jostle for road space on 42nd street as the Sun flares between buildings.

The Sun Stops Traffic

A celestial body aligns with concrete and steel titans... Manhattanhenge approaches.
3 min read
Specks of firefly illumination pepper the grassy expanse of a cemetery at sunset.

Fireflies in Multitudes Signal Their Desires

As the sun sets on the warmest nights of summer the air becomes alive with blinking lights.
2 min read
A firework explodes in the twilight sky over a group of people on a Brooklyn rooftop.

The Evening Sky Flowers In Flame

A searing screech salutes the dying light. Fireworks season is upon us.
3 min read
A hand holds a plucked ripe mulberry (a blackberry-esque fruit) in front of a leafy mulberry tree.

The Urban Mulberry Harvest

A great urban harvest is underway for the birds, and those humans who join in the feast.
2 min read
Eight horseshoe crabs emerge from the waves onto the beach. Many are covered in barnacles and males are latched to females.

Horseshoe Crabs Lay Eggs Under a Full Moon

Weaving between discarded dogfish heads and tampon applicator flotsam, they are crawling.
3 min read
Red and white roses sprawl over a front garden fence in front of row houses.

Stop and Smell the Stoop Roses

In front yards by brownstones, peeking through wrought iron fences, and climbing trellises against apartment buildings... the roses are opening.
2 min read
A hand holds up an ornate, tulip-like flower, still attached to a broad leaf. A tuliptree towers in the background.

The Flowering of New York’s Great Old Ones

Tuliptrees are the city’s living elders, growing taller than the other trees, surviving for centuries as other beings live and die in generations around them.
3 min read