Latest Seasons

The House Centipede Is Your Terrifying Best Friend

The House Centipede Is Your Terrifying Best Friend

In the closet, in the hallway, in the shower, in the sink, where is the house centipede now as it stalks its pest prey?
3 min read
A man walks along a partially covered outdoor subway platform. The floor is all puddles.

Subway Waterfalls Cascade Over Commutes

Even on cloudless days the subway is wet.
2 min read
Snapping Turtles Make Treacherous Journeys from Their Watery Homes

Snapping Turtles Make Treacherous Journeys from Their Watery Homes

Snapping turtles spend almost their entire lives in the murky depths. It is only on land for nesting season that they take the ultimate risk.
2 min read
A peregrine falcon soars far above a large suspension bridge and a shore lined with large buildings.

Peregrines Nest at Perilous Heights

Peregrines thrive in the city not only because of its variety of dizzying perches but also due to its constant smorgasbord of their favorite food.
3 min read
The Bluebells Are Ringing

The Bluebells Are Ringing

Pause by the spring bluebells and listen: these flowers have lore of enchantment that reverberates even in NYC.
2 min read
Aromatic Lilacs Perfume Streets and Homes

Aromatic Lilacs Perfume Streets and Homes

A yard is a rarity in NYC; a balcony with plants is a luxury. But everyone can have a vase of fragrant flowers to brighten up their room.
2 min read
A wide stretch of green dominates the foreground. Birds sit on the field in the distance and sprinklers surrounds the edges.

Lawns Present a Fleeting Moment of Unnatural Perfection

Has there ever been a more perfect symbol of human triumph and hubris than an expanse of perfectly clipped grass?
3 min read
The City’s Native Cactus Revives from its Cadaverous Winter Husk

The City’s Native Cactus Revives from its Cadaverous Winter Husk

Do you feel a little flat and tired going into spring? Take inspiration from the resurrection of the prickly pear cactus.
3 min read
Worm Moon Rising

Worm Moon Rising

This is a momentous time just before the spring equinox; the darkness of winter is receding and the worms are emerging from their hiding places.
3 min read
Possum Romance Season

Possum Romance Season

The brief life of a possum is one lived largely alone, until it hears the soft clicking of an enchanting mate.
3 min read