Erin Chapman

Erin Chapman

The Internet
A wide stretch of green dominates the foreground. Birds sit on the field in the distance and sprinklers surrounds the edges.

Lawns Present a Fleeting Moment of Unnatural Perfection

Has there ever been a more perfect symbol of human triumph and hubris than an expanse of perfectly clipped grass?
3 min read
A group of ducks preens on the rocky side of a body of water. Others leave a v-shaped wake as the swim.

Ducks Arrive In Fantastic Feathers

Ducks are not like the rest of birds.
3 min read
The sun rises over Brooklyn brownstones. Trash awaits pick-up on the curb, and streetlights still pinprick the block.

A Lingering Blush of Cold Dawn

Our star now breaks above the horizon at eminently reasonable hours.
2 min read
A dragon kite tangled in the bare branches of a sweetgum tree.

Garlands of Aerial Flotsam

The now-naked forms of trees are revealing summer’s detritus in their twiggy grasp.
3 min read
The greenish-gold fan of a fallen ginkgo leaf is surrounded on asphalt by three very smushed ginkgo berries.

Golden Carpet of Rancid Butter

The putrescence you hopscotch around is the smell of butyric acid, the smell of nausea.
3 min read
Camera trap image of an adult coyote at night as it walks through a woodsy space. Its eyes glow in reflected light

Yip-Howls Pierce the Night

For the next few weeks, coyotes will be particularly vocal—keeping track of their family members and warning off interlopers.
2 min read
A yellow jacket with bedraggled antennae scouts crumbs on a paper plate laid in the grass.

Wasps Feed On the Last Dregs of Summer

Suffer them to eat your crumbs, for these are the last hours of their fleeting days.
3 min read
A rainbow's arc just clears the roof of a corner Brooklyn brownstone.

Poised Between Light and Dark

As the warmth fades from our streets, the light slowly ebbs from our sky.
2 min read
A pier-like structure spirals out into the confluence of river and tide. A person looks out on skyscrapers across the water.

Our Shores Awash In Brine

Salt water meets fresh and their clenching embrace thrusts the saline line of the Hudson up and down from the Battery to Poughkeepsie.
3 min read
A vibrating green carpets the surface of Prospect Lake, with patches of varying vividness.

A Toxic Green Flourishes

A vivid suspension of green on green—antifreeze floating on Mountain Dew and swirled with slime. It is the time of Harmful Algal Blooms.
2 min read