Lawns Present a Fleeting Moment of Unnatural Perfection
Has there ever been a more perfect symbol of human triumph and hubris than an expanse of perfectly clipped grass?
Ducks Arrive In Fantastic Feathers
Ducks are not like the rest of birds.
A Lingering Blush of Cold Dawn
Our star now breaks above the horizon at eminently reasonable hours.
Garlands of Aerial Flotsam
The now-naked forms of trees are revealing summer’s detritus in their twiggy grasp.
Golden Carpet of Rancid Butter
The putrescence you hopscotch around is the smell of butyric acid, the smell of nausea.
Yip-Howls Pierce the Night
For the next few weeks, coyotes will be particularly vocal—keeping track of their family members and warning off interlopers.
Wasps Feed On the Last Dregs of Summer
Suffer them to eat your crumbs, for these are the last hours of their fleeting days.
Poised Between Light and Dark
As the warmth fades from our streets, the light slowly ebbs from our sky.
Our Shores Awash In Brine
Salt water meets fresh and their clenching embrace thrusts the saline line of the Hudson up and down from the Battery to Poughkeepsie.
A Toxic Green Flourishes
A vivid suspension of green on green—antifreeze floating on Mountain Dew and swirled with slime. It is the time of Harmful Algal Blooms.